Category: Uncategorized


Food and nutrition are the way that we get fuel, providing energy for our bodies. Essential nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water. These macronutrients and micronutrients are obtained from various food sources which not only offer calories to fuel the body and give it energy but it also plays an important […]


Alcohol are derivatives of hydrocarbons, one are more of the hydrogen atoms have been replace by a hydroxyl (OH functional group). Alcohol can be a really terrible thing when it is abused. The problems it causes do not just damage the user but their friends, family, and society as a whole. ALCOHOLISM: Alcoholism is a […]


Bronchial Asthma has emerged as an important public health problem globally. According to W.H.O, there are approximately 300 million people suffering from Bronchial Asthma and another 100 million will be added to this by the end of the year 2025 .The prevalence in India is 3.5 % of the total global incidence. Tamaka Shwasa a […]


Pizhichil is a treatment which combines two therapies Snehana and Swedhana. Snehana meaning oil massage and Swedhana meaning to induce sweat. Pouring of luke warm medicated oil on the whole body in a specific manner is known as pizhichil. It is kind of Sarvangdhara (‘Sarva’ meaning the entire body and ‘dhara’ meaning a stream). It’s […]

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