Welcome to “An Ayurvedic Detox Retreat” at Travancore Ayurveda
Detox -for a happier, healthier and energetic life
What is Detox?
Detoxification includes resting, cleansing and nourishing the body inside-out. It includes removing and eliminating toxins from the body and then feeding it with healthy nutrients. It helps you to protect yourself from diseases and renew your ability to maintain optimum health through a range of methods including Panchakarma, Diet, Yoga and Meditation.
Who needs detox?
Anyone who has a busy lifestyle, eating unhealthy foods and drinks, no time to exercise, consuming oily, fried foods, alcohol, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle.
Many people worldwide are interested in detox and the topic is getting plenty of attention. However, the concept has a long history behind it.
According to Ayurveda, impaired Agni (Digestive strength) accumulates undigested metabolic intermediate products (Ama). It acts as a toxin in the body and inhibits the free transportation of substances through the body’s natural pathways because of its sticky properties and facilitates the development of illness. A healthy organism is capable of eliminating/excreting accumulated Ama with the help of a well-functioning digestive system. A weakened organism encourages the development of Ama, thus facilitating the occurrence of various medical conditions.

- Detox therapy takes the strain off our body like a good spring clean, allowing a return to health and restoring inner strength.
- The aim of our Ayurvedic detox treatment is always to restore equilibrium to the Doshas, to improve Agni, and to eliminate Ama. This is achieved by using the most effective method for restoring dynamic balance: Panchakarma therapy.
- The goal of Panchakarma is not to remove physical toxins alone but to truly restore the mind-body system to a healthy state of balance on all levels – including the mind and emotions.
- Ayurvedic detox helps to
- Restore a sense of calm to the mind and the nervous system.
- Nurture an improved sense of energy, vitality, and enthusiasm for life.
- Support the maintenance of a healthy body weight.
- Restore and maintain balanced sleep cycles.
- Promote regular and balanced elimination.
- Prepare the tissues for deep nourishment and rejuvenation.
- Promote optimal health.
Detox in Ayurveda
The Ayurvedic detox in Bangalore is a well-established blend of procedures based on various Panchakarma therapies and Ayurvedic medicines designed to restore balance to your health. Experience the rejuvenating power of Panchakarma therapies in Bangalore, where holistic healing revitalizes both body and mind.
Ayurveda states that there are five elements called Panchamahabhuta — Vayu (air), Prithvi (earth), Teja (fire), Aakash (space), and Jala (water). The above five elements makes various combinations namely Tridoshas- Vata, Pita, Kapha, which are responsible for different physiological functions of the body.
We are supposed to keep up the balance between the three doshas and the five elements failing which diseases starts to appear.
Illness such as constipation, diarrhea, arthtritis, asthma, skin related issues, urinary tract infections occur due to the imbalance of waste products – mutra (urine), purisha (feces), and sweda (sweat). Based on genetics and personality traits, each person has a unique balance of doshas, which means the health outcome may vary. That’s why it’s crucial to consult with Ayurvedic doctors in Bangalore, who can determine your dosha and develop personalized detox plans and treatment patterns tailored to your specific needs. Experience a holistic approach to well-being under expert guidance.
Many Ayurvedic doctors advise seasonal detox to get rid of the body toxins, or Ama that may have accumulated during the previous season. Many of us have various seasonal food habits and other lifestyle activities such as celebrations, festivities based on seasons. It is quite natural that we may accumulate toxins from the previous season and hence a seasonal detox at the beginning of the next season is advisable.
We should select broader dietary and lifestyle changes to achieve a balanced dosha.
Ayurvedic detox treatment plans may vary from 3 days, 5 days, 7 days and so on depending on each person’s level of imbalance and also depending on the Detox plans we choose based on the advice of Ayurvedic doctors in Bangalore.
At Travancore Ayurveda, it is an Ayurvedic Detox Retreat and our Ayurvedic Doctors are well experienced to provide a comprehensive consultation and counselling on Detox procedures and to advise an appropriate Detox process customised to the needs of the persons depending on their level of imbalance of doshas.
Detox –Combination of Purvakarma and Panchakarma procedures
Purvakarma ( Purva means foremost and karma Panchakarma therapy in Bangalore means action) is the first set of processes practised ahead of a Panchakarma therapy. The duration of Purva karma is typically last for three to seven days.
Purvakarma helps to channelize and collect the toxins to bowels and surface of skins to remove them at the Pradhanakarma stage. Key techniques of Purvakarma such as Pachana ( digestion), snehana ( oelation) and swedana ( sudation) prepare the body for detoxification and revitalisation.
Purvakarma is a combination of external procedures, which stimulate the areas where toxins and waste products accumulate and beautify the body. This helps the body to be prepared for internal purification procedures.
PANCHAKARMA treatment is for internal purification of the body and is used to get rid of the body toxins, free radicals and heavy metals through a combination of purgative and laxative therapies.
Pancha means “five” and karma means “activity” or “process”.
This consists of five karmas (treatments).
- Virechan : cleansing using powders, pastes, or heated medicinal plants.
- Vaman : forced vomiting or purging by herbal medicinal treatment.
- Basti : Its nothing but medicated enemas using warm medicated oils or decoctions or milk.
- Rakta mokshana : detoxification of the blood, also known as bloodletting.
- Nasya : nasal clearance using herbal remedies, oils, and fumes.
Ayurvedic Treatments may vary and you may receive one or more treatments depending on your dosha.
The ultimate benefit of Purvakarma and Panchakarma is to have a rejuvenated body which starts to function in the natural rhythm as it supposed to.
Dietary guidelines for detox:
The most important beverage during Detox is “Water”, in addition to that we can have Ginger tea, which has stomach soothing properties. During a detox treatment in Bangalore, these beverages support your body’s natural cleansing process, restoring balance and enhancing well-being.
It is also recommended to follow the same time for eating each day, eat to satisfy your basic hunger needs -not full, limit distractions while eating and practice pleasant conversations with others.
Role of Meditation and mindful consumption of food in Detox process:
Meditation plays a key role in the detoxification process. The breathing techniques of meditation disconnect us from daily distractions, lower anxiety and stress levels and thus promote self-awareness.
Mindful eating helps you consume fewer calories by making you more aware of your hunger needs and be conscious of every bit of food intake. In brief, helping us not to overeat.
Why need detox treatments?
The body is equipped with its very own ‘liver’, which is your natural detoxifier. Then why need an elaborate detox plan?
1) Flushing out or removing the body toxins : To remove the accumulated build-up of all the chemicals we eat, in other words, the body toxins. An extra effort of Detox helps to flush out the accumulated chemicals. For example, food color, is everywhere from brown chocolate to bright candy, ice cream, masala, drinks, curries, etc.
Pesticides on our food is another alarming issue and other chemical processing on the store-bought food and bakery products.
2) The body needs to metabolise the fat soluble vitamins: Due to unhealthy fat build up, Vitamin D levels are always low, inspite of all the sun light. The answer is, the body needs to metabolize the fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) for a healthy functioning systems and bad fats prevent that. Ayurvedic treatment for fatty liver ensures healthy fat metabolism . This Detox treatment ensures that you have no abnormal cholesterol, no blood pressure problems, hormones perfectly working, good reproductive and heart health, good bones and eyesight.
To speed up sluggish metabolism we at Travancore Ayurveda have ayurvedic treatments in Bangalore.
3) Rejuvenating the mind, body and thus the soul.
Detox helps you feel good by calming down the mind, freshens up your thoughts and generate positive vibes and thus improves your sense of well being and mental health. At Travancore Ayurveda, we have the best environment for an “Ayurvedic Detox Retreat”.
4) To make internal medicines more effective. Sometime the disease is highly progressed thus limiting the effect of internal medicines, Shodhana karma, i.e. Detoxification helps increase the effect of these medicines.
5) Seasonal build up of doshas is a natural phenomenon. The body is not singular, it’s a result of everything that we experience including the effect of climate, and movements of the sun and moon, much like the tides in the sea. Ever wondered what effect sitting in an air-conditioned room has? Well, experience our Ayurvedic detox treatment in Bangalore at Travancore Ayurveda and see for yourself the difference it brings to your well-being.
6) Strengthens immunity, and imparts mental resilience. With lesser inner workload on the liver after a detox, the body is well equipped to face other outer challenges.
7) Improves self-esteem, with clearer skin, good digestion, healthy weight and happy mind are just a few things it promises.
8) Helps one deal with substance abuse and the cancerous build up of drugs like nicotine is flushed out, making you less dependent metabolically on them.
Travancore Ayurveda is authentic and well equipped with a team of experienced Ayurvedic doctors in Hyderabad, well trained therapists and supporting staff within a state of art therapy centre that will ensure a truly soulful experience, a true “Ayurvedic Detox Retreat”
At Travancore Ayurveda, our Ayurvedic Detox Retreat heals you physically, mentally and emotionally, we also detoxify your thoughts and help you think clearly.