Our Promise

- Introduced a new Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) focussed on the present virus scare and how to deal with it has been prepared for the benefit of patients, clients and staff.
- Entire areas of our clinics including door handles, edge, chair, tables, handles, edges and equipments have been disinfected.
- All staff will be wearing necessary protection accessories such as masks, hand gloves and other necessary gears as required for the treatment.
- Necessary hand sanitisers are available at key areas of the clinic.
- Necessary screening processes shall be conducted for the benefit of patients and staff.
- All our staff has been staying in well maintained and sanitised company accommodation under the supervision and guidance of Doctors.
- None of the staff travelled internationally or in domestic destinations in the last 45 days.
- All our staff have been provided with immune booster medicines to stay immune and healthy.
- Staff have been given thorough training on SOP’s.
- Adequate display boards are posted at key areas for the benefit of patients and staff.
- We will follow all necessary guidelines of Ministry of Health and other Government authorities.
- Doctors shall be monitoring staff movements and other precautionary measures diligently.
COVID 19 pandemic has affected millions of people across world causing a state of fear, anxiety and caution. The precautions such as social distancing, focus on hygiene, building immunity and many other measures to contain spreading of Corona virus are the necessities of life today.
Travancore Ayurveda has made very carefully planned and monitored safety measures to keep you safe. We will be opening our clinics to our patients very soon depending on the lifting of lock down. Travancore Ayurveda has always been maintaining Infection control and prevention standards in the past and we have introduced a number of additional protocols to prevent the virus from spreading and also to ensure enhancing immunity of the staff and patients.
Travancore Ayurveda wishes to greet all of you to stay immune and healthy and welcomes to a completely new way of Life. Life is not the same again but with renewed hopes, we all will get back to a new normal. We are making all the best efforts as mentioned below to ensure that our patients can feel safe and protected to feel fearless to visit our clinics for treatments.